Every year, the European Labour Authority launches a call to collect good practice examples on various areas related to EU labour mobility. Through the call, ELA promotes the exchange, dissemination and uptake of good practices and knowledge collected in Member States in the effective application and enforcement of labour law within the EU.
The topics of the call for good practices may vary each year and reflect ELA’s sectoral or cross-sectoral priorities.
The call is open to Member State administrations, but also to other stakeholders operating at national, regional or local level, including civil society and social partner organisations. This includes EU Member States and other countries in the EURES network.
Call for good practices in a nutshell
What is a good practice?
- A good practice is a policy that targets a specific group, visible, accessible, and funded sustainably.
- It yields the intended or better outcomes and can either be a standalone policy or part of a wider framework.
The core principles of good practices embody inclusivity, stakeholder involvement, innovativeness, cost-effectiveness, replicability, and evidence-based approaches.
Which topics are covered?
The topics of the call for good practices reflect ELA’s priorities such as labour market imbalances, sector-specific challenges and enforcement issues.
Who can apply?
Eligible applicants are Member State administrations, social security institutions, civil society, and social partner organisations.
What are the benefits of participation?
Participation offers recognition at the European level, opportunities to showcase practices, visibility on ELA's website, and the chance to contribute to the exchange of cross-border practices.
How to submit a good practice?
Submission details are available in the current call for good practices.
Which are the selection criteria?
Exemplary practices will be evaluated based on a set of criteria. These include achievements, alignment with the call's topics, cost-effectiveness, transferability, sustainability, innovativeness, and digitalization aspects.
Selected good practices
Exemplary practices are selected each year and awarded at ELA conference.
Digitalisation in Social Security Coordination
- Finland - Service for employers: social insurance contributions in international situations
- Germany - EuropaPortal: European health care with e-claims verification and e-billing
- Latvia - Personalized dashboard (e-panel) - e-service "SSIA information and services
- Slovakia - Electronic exchange of data
- Germany - Dienstleistungskompass.eu – online portal about cross-border provision of services and posting of workers
- France - Management and control of international professional mobility
- Belgium - Fragomen Wallet and the trusted data ecosystem across the EU
- Italy - The National EESSI Presidium: INPS' «New Deal» for efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation in managing EESSI cases
- Spain - EESSI governance in Spain
- Slovakia - EESSI in Family benefits
Information provision in road transport
- Sweden - Mobile trade union office providing information on the rights and obligations for posted drivers
- Spain - Dissemination, clarification and information for bus & coach operators about the new rules for the posting of road transport drivers
- Belgium - Tackling social dumping
- Poland - EwiExpert – intelligence platform on road transport legislation and Mobility Package
- Italy - DSRC-RP Technology for Remote Enforcement of Smart Tachograph
- The Netherlands - EUREStv - Season 2 Episode 3 Seasonal Jobs: Opportunities in Europe
- Germany - Digital Wallet Verification for Legal Employment and Minimum Wage Compliance on Construction Sites
- Italy - EY Mobility Pathway: An innovative digital solution to make Short Term Business Traveler Compliance accessible, effective and intuitive worldwide, in real-time
- Austria - The Gamechanger for Compliance for Posted Workers, including Road Transport Sector
- Austria - Faire Arbeit – Fair Work
- Spain - Communication plan to attract professionals and disseminate good Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in the construction sector
- Croatia - Monitoring the application of collective agreements in the construction sector regarding foreign workers in Croatia
- Bulgaria - Transnational Cooperation supporting Bulgarian workers in the construction sector and other sectors
- Romania - ID CARDS for Decent Work in the Construction Industry
- Estonia - Competency management tool for construction companies to assess migrant workers' skill levels before they arrive in the country of work
- Italy - Congruity indexes for construction works
- Poland - Inspection and preventive campaign “Construction STOP accidents!”
- Germany - Mobile workers in the construction sector: outreach counselling, data collection, and self-organisation
Preventing social security fraud
- Poland - Accessible guide for insured workers and employers about social insurance when seconding to work abroad
- Belgium - Cross-border social fraud and abuse in social security: the Osiris Platform
- Portugal - DLA Application – Posting of workers
- Poland - A1 Certificate authenticity confirmation service
- Belgium - MYDIA mobile application for social inspection services
- Belgium - The role of district cells in the fight against social fraud
- Germany - Addressing holiday allowance frauds in the construction sector: outreach work and cooperation with key stakeholders
- The Netherlands - Expert sessions for (potential) cross border workers - Tailor made advisory service by competent authorities for employees and job seekers
- The Netherlands - Zelfinspectie.nl: checklists for employers
- Germany - Decent Work Berlin (Hidna Pratsya Berlin)
- The Netherlands - Improving awareness among employers in the agricultural/horticultural sector on the rights and working conditions of mobile and migrant workers
- Portugal - Seize the Summer with EURES
Road Transport
- Malta - Postedworkersmalta.gov.mt
- Malta - Comprehensive RoadSide Inspections
- France - «Control Assist» service: a competent and multilingual contact
point in front of a haulier - France - The blog “Truck Mobility Info” a modern way to share the breaking
information - Slovenia - How to provide information on the new road transport legislation to
end-users (drivers and operators) - Poland - The NLI’s communication and educational campaign “Drivers’
working time and road traffic accidents”
Seasonal Work
- Poland - Information campaign on fair and safe living and working
conditions for seasonal workers at Jasionka airport - Poland - Information campaign on safe seasonal employment and employee
rights in universities, secondary and vocational schools - Slovakia - Cooperation in seasonal employment between Slovakia and the
Netherlands - Poland - Employment rights and seasonal work conditions in the
Netherlands - Germany - Transnational governmental and nongovernmental cooperation to
inform Moldovan seasonal workers in German agriculture - Poland - “Patent for the first job” – Communication and educational
campaign of the Olsztyn District Labour - Croatia - Connecting seasons by EURES Croatia
- The Netherlands - Seasonalwork.NL
- Poland - Promotion of the ‘Rights for All Seasons’ Campaign in Poland
- Poland - Local promotion of the ‘Rights for All Seasons’ campaign on
seasonal work abroad - Poland - Information meetings on ‘Rights for All Seasons’ campaign
Related news
Questions? Send a query on the call for good practices!