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Documents (1903)

Czechia Country Fiche - Employment and social security measures for displaced persons from Ukraine

Mapping of national measures taken by the EU and EFTA Member States in employment and social security for displaced persons coming from Ukraine. Updated version February 2023.

English (282.13 KB - PDF)

Cyprus Country Fiche - Employment and social security measures for displaced persons from Ukraine

Mapping of national measures taken by the EU and EFTA Member States in employment and social security for displaced persons coming from Ukraine. Updated version February 2023.

English (367.25 KB - PDF)

Austria Country Fiche - Employment and social security measures for displaced persons from Ukraine

Mapping of national measures taken by the EU and EFTA Member States in employment and social security for displaced persons coming from Ukraine Updated version February 2023.

English (318.42 KB - PDF)

Denmark Country Fiche - Employment and social security measures for displaced persons from Ukraine

Mapping of national measures taken by the EU and EFTA Member States in employment and social security for displaced persons coming from Ukraine. Updated version February 2023.

English (300.36 KB - PDF)

Ready to make the move 2021

English (2.44 MB - PDF)

Impact of teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic on the applicable social security

English (3.49 MB - PDF)

AI training Handbook summary

The ELA handbook, based on the online training session of 26 May 2023, in the context of the ELA programme on AI and algorithms in risk assessment, addresses the use of automation, rule-based models, and AI systems.

English (308.94 KB - PDF)

ELA report on Construction sector: issues in information provision, enforcement of labour mobility law, social security coordination regulations, and cooperation between Member States

This study analyses challenges related to the enforcement of labour mobility and social security laws in the construction sector, with a specific focus on the posting of workers. 

English (1.79 MB - PDF)

ELA outreach event for social partners - Agenda

English (238.89 KB - PDF)

Output paper: subgroup on evaluating social/labour ID cards as a tool for tackling undeclared work, including in subcontracting chains (2023)

Keywords: FIEC, EFBWW, feasibility, interconnectivity, record, access, ESSPASS, European Social Security Pass, Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information, EESSI, Greece, Finland, Belgium, France, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Norway

English (527.4 KB - PDF)

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