Documents (1903)
Vacancy notice - Data Protection and Legal Officer - ELA/CA/2021/07 - updated
English (158.88 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - EURES Portal Business Manager - ELA/AD/2021/09
English (230.02 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Human Resources Assistant - ELA/CA/2021/08
English (220.81 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - ICT Assistant - ELA/AST/2021/04
English (219.74 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Senior Labour Mobility Officer - ELA/AD/2021/06
English (224.11 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Operational Assistant - ELA/AST/2021/05
English (217.02 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Internal Control and Audit Assistant - ELA/AST/2021/01
English (212.79 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Communications Officer - ELA/AD/2020/009
English (93.19 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Head of Unit – Resources- ELA/AD/2020/001 - new deadline
English (86.47 KB - PDF)Vacancy notice - Human Resources Assistant - ELA/AST/2020/008
English (90.55 KB - PDF)