Documents (1903)
2022/08 Management Board Decision - Amending the European Labour Authority’s Establishment Plan 2022
English (162.08 KB - PDF)2022/09 Management Board Decision - Application by analogy of the Commission Decision on working time and hybrid working
English (131.35 KB - PDF)2022/10 Management Board Decision - Final Accounts for the year 2021 of the European Labour Authority
English (106.49 KB - PDF)2022/01 Management Board Decision - Establishment of a Liaison Office of the European Labour Authority in Brussels
English (109.35 KB - PDF)2022/02 Management Board Decision - Appointment of the members and alternates of the Stakeholder Group
English (114.83 KB - PDF)2022/03 Management Board Decision - Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission and the European Labour Authority
English (433.95 KB - PDF)2022/04 Management Board Decision - Memorandum of Understanding Between the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and European Labour Authority
English (233.97 KB - PDF)2022/05 Management Board Decision - Adoption of the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour
English (195.39 KB - PDF)2022/06 Management Board Decision - European Labour Authority policy on protecting the dignity of the person and preventing psychological harassment and sexual harassment
English (337.91 KB - PDF)2023/04 Management Board Decision - Implementing rules concerning the Data Protection Officer of the European Labour Authority pursuant to Article 45(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725
English (228.69 KB - PDF)