Documents (1902)
Good practice fiche - Netherlands: Intervention Toolbox (2019)
English (150.15 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Netherlands: ‘Chain Approach’ – raising awareness in the cleaning sector (2019)
English (135.83 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Netherlands: Foundation for compliance to the Collective Labour Agreement for agency workers (SNCU) – Enforcing compliance to collective labour agreements (2018)
English (351.67 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Netherlands: Online self-inspection tools for employers and employees (2018)
English (744.51 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Norway: BusinessGuide (2017)
English (438.34 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Poland: “I work legally!” awareness raising campaign (2020)
English (163.14 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Poland: Improving cooperation through coordinated cross-border activities with the Netherlands to prevent labour exploitation in the agriculture and transport sectors (2019)
English (144.72 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Poland: National awareness raising campaign – ‘Before you undertake work’ (2018)
English (755.49 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Portugal: Joining up operations: cooperation between enforcement authorities to tackle undeclared and precarious work (2020)
English (148.8 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Portugal: Galicia cross-border partnership (2019)
English (137.5 KB - PDF)