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Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [PT]

português (325.83 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [BG]

български (325.35 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [ES]

español (325.04 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [CS]

čeština (327.22 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [DA]

dansk (324.85 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [DE]

Deutsch (325.65 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [ET]

eesti (322.84 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [EL]

ελληνικά (329.87 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [EN]

English (327.42 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [FR]

français (326.66 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [GA]

Gaeilge (324.3 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [HR]

hrvatski (322.6 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [IT]

italiano (325.66 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [LV]

latviešu (328.37 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [LT]

lietuvių (327.94 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [HU]

magyar (329.27 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [MT]

Malti (329.08 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [NL]

Nederlands (325.06 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [PL]

polski (329.2 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [RO]

română (329.04 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [SK]

slovenčina (326.95 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [SL]

slovenščina (325.78 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [FI]

suomi (324.23 KB - PDF)

Work is seasonal. Rights are not - poster for employers [SV]

svenska (325.8 KB - PDF)
Inspection simulation 07.12.23 - picture 1

The European Labour Authority (ELA) organised a week-long Training for labour and social inspectors on 4-8 December 2023. More than 60 inspectors participated in the training, which ended with a roadside mock-inspection in Bratislava, Slovakia. The objective of the training was to enhance the inspectors’ knowledge and skills on cross-border inspections.


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Press release