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News (172)

EU and British flags © European Communities, 2008

As of 1 January 2021, Brexit put an end to the free movement of persons between the EU and the United Kingdom. If you are in a cross-border situation involving the EU and the UK, you certainly have many questions, especially on your residence and working rights. Here is a quick recap of the impact of Brexit depending on your situation. 

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Cosmin Boiangiu appointed as next Executive Director of the European Labour Authority © European Union, 2020

Following a vote on 22 October, the European Labour Authority’s Management Board appointed Cosmin Boiangiu as ELA’s next Executive Director. 
Mr. Boiangiu participated today in an exchange of views with the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, and is expected to take office at the beginning of 2021 at the latest.

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#EU4FairWork: highlights from the Week of Action

From 21-25 September, a wide range of events and activities promoted a culture of fair working conditions. From awareness raising activities to cross-border inspections, the message was clear: undeclared work does not pay – it's time to make the transition. 

Labour inspectorates, social partners and other organisations across Europe created informational videos and brochures, launched dedicated webpages, reached out to the media, organised webinars and collaborated across borders through staff exchanges and concerted inspections.

Most events took place virtually. Despite the challenges

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Joining forces across the EU to tackle undeclared work

Undeclared work puts workers at a multitude of risks, undermines public finances and threatens the financial sustainability of social protection systems. While tackling undeclared work is primarily the responsibility of national authorities, this continuing challenge often has an important cross-border dimension.

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Tackling undeclared work – success stories from various sectors

Through the work carried out by the European Platform tackling Undeclared Work, it is clear that the most effective approach to tackling undeclared work is one that uses a variety of different measures at the same time. So-called direct measures include deterrents, such as fines and other penalties, in addition to incentives such as amnesties and other actions designed to help the transition into declared work. So-called indirect measures are also valuable – these include awareness-raising campaigns and actions to educate and inform people about undeclared work.

Developments in tourism


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#EU4FairWork social media competition

As part of the first European campaign for declared work, the European Platform tackling undeclared work and the European Labour Authority (ELA) have launched a #EU4FairWork social media competition, calling on workers and employers from across the EU to share their personal stories about working declared.

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