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Tackling undeclared work – success stories from various sectors

Through the work carried out by the European Platform tackling Undeclared Work, it is clear that the most effective approach to tackling undeclared work is one that uses a variety of different measures at the same time. So-called direct measures include deterrents, such as fines and other penalties, in addition to incentives such as amnesties and other actions designed to help the transition into declared work. So-called indirect measures are also valuable – these include awareness-raising campaigns and actions to educate and inform people about undeclared work.

Developments in tourism


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#EU4FairWork social media competition

As part of the first European campaign for declared work, the European Platform tackling undeclared work and the European Labour Authority (ELA) have launched a #EU4FairWork social media competition, calling on workers and employers from across the EU to share their personal stories about working declared.

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© 2020 European Union

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, ELA’s working group on inspections is carrying out its regular meetings video conferencing. At the meeting on 27 April, Member States discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and possible adaptation measures in the field of cross-border concerted and joint inspections.

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Lab technician with mask ans gloves © 2020 European Union

COVID-19 is having profound impact in the way people live and work across Europe. But what is the EU response to the coronavirus outbreak? And what are the implications for EU’s labour mobility?

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