Documents (1902)
Good practice fiche - Portugal: The Portuguese Labour Inspectorate’s Initial Training Internship (2019)
English (157.45 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Netherlands, Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia: Bilateral memoranda of understanding (2021)
English (344.12 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Portugal and Spain: Agreement for exchange of information and cooperation between the Portuguese Labour Inspectorate (ACT) and the Spanish Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (ITSS) (2017)
English (344.32 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Portugal: Improving deterrence of undeclared work in the media sector (2017)
English (344.89 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Portugal: UDW – it’s bad for you, harmful for all, national awareness-raising campaign (2021)
English (453.98 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Romania: Changes in the Fiscal Code (2017)
English (324.86 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Romania: Receipts Lottery (2017)
English (271.36 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Romania: Holiday voucher scheme (2021)
English (168.21 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Romania: National campaign ‘Information at home! Safety in the world’ (2021)
English (170.02 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Romania: REVISAL – General record of employees (2019)
English (140.31 KB - PDF)