Documents (1902)
Operational conclusions - Outputs of the fifth plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work, Brussels, 18-19 October (2018)
English (114.28 KB - PDF)Operational conclusions - Outputs of the second plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work, Brussels, 9-10 March (2017)
English (171.51 KB - PDF)Operational conclusions - outputs of the third plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work Brussels, 19-20 October (2017)
English (172.63 KB - PDF)Second plenary meeting, Brussels, 9-10 March 2017 - Report of the plenary and workshops relating to bogus self-employment (2017)
English (236.38 KB - PDF)Third plenary meeting, Brussels, 19-20 October 2017 - Report on 'New UDW developments and trends, in particular undeclared work in the collaborative economy' (2017)
English (273.77 KB - PDF)Undeclared work within the sharing/collaborative economy: input paper for thematic discussion (2017)
English (216.13 KB - PDF)Operational conclusions - Outputs of the first plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work Brussels, 10 October (2016)
English (254.45 KB - PDF)Tools and approaches to tackle fraudulent temporary agency work, prompting undeclared work (2021)
English (1.15 MB - PDF)Study report on horizon scanning: early warning signals of future trends in undeclared work (2020)
English (5.1 MB - PDF)Tackling undeclared work in the collaborative economy and bogus self-employment (2020)
English (1.74 MB - PDF)