Documents (1908)
2019/01 Management Board Decision - Rules of Procedure
English (643.35 KB - PDF)Decision on setting up ELA Working Group on inspections - 3 December 2019
English (340.75 KB - PDF)Decision on setting up ELA Working Group on information - 3 December 2019
English (484.99 KB - PDF)Decision on the Election of the Chairperson and Deputy of the Management Board of the European Labour Authority - 3 December 2019
English (145.81 KB - PDF)Good practices - Malta:
ELA call for good practices 2022
Good practice fiche - Ireland: Code of Practice for Determining Employment or Self-Employment Status of Individuals (2017)
English (244.64 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Croatia: IPA 2012 Twinning Project: Strengthening policy and capacities to reduce undeclared work (CRO MOONLIGHTING) (2016)
English (716.17 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Finland: Cooperation and information sharing between enforcement authorities tackling undeclared work in the air transport sector (2020)
English (156.9 KB - PDF)Strengthening labour inspection in combating undeclared work. ILO recommendations and the Greek case (ILO) (2017)
English (2.81 MB - PDF)A learning resource from the Platform seminar: Tackling undeclared work among seasonal (including mobile) workers: developments, trends and good practices (2021)
English (422.35 KB - PDF)