News (185)

10 cross-border inspections and 15 Member States were involved in a joint initiative coordinated and supported by ELA in the construction sector.

ELA's mediation service has been successfully used by two Member States, Cyprus and Germany. The mediation succeeded toresolve a long-standing dispute in the field of social security coordination between the two countries.

ELA organised the second edition of Training Programme - Basics of EU Labour Mobility, taking place in Valetta, Malta from the 10th to the 12th of May 2023.

Recent trends and expected impact on the job market and main activities of ELA supporting fair and efficient labour mobility at the conference Future of Work in 21st Century organized by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovakia.

The Meeting offered an opportunity to share and discuss analytical approaches and modi operandi for tackling labour exploitation and trafficking of human beings. The Meeting was organized by the European Labour Authority (ELA) in cooperation with the Netherlands’ Labour Authority and France’s Gendarmerie Nationale and was attended by representatives from labour inspectorates and law enforcement authorities from EU Member States.

The report provides practitioners from the Member States, the social partners and experts with a better understanding of the EU rules, challenges in the application of the legislation and enhancement of cross-border cooperation in relation to the posting of third-country nationals.

The European Labour Authority supported a targeted cross-border joint inspection of road passenger transport on April 13, 2023, organised by the Slovenian supervisory authorities together with the German and Croatian enforcement authorities.

EURES Report on labour shortages and surpluses 2022, by the European Labour Authority launched on 29 March.

The European Labour Authority, together with the European Commission, is launching the Posting 360 Mutual Learning and Understanding Programme. ELA Forum on the Posting of Workers is the first event of the Programme, taking place at ELA Headquarters in Bratislava on 13 and 14 March.

More than 50 EU SOLVIT representatives participated in a training on 8-9 March organised by ELA in cooperation with the European Commission (DG GROW) and the SOLVIT network. The training was about cross-sectoral understanding of EU labour mobility rules, enforcement, fair labour mobility rules in the single market and had the aim to build the capacity of SOLVIT Centres.