“Hi! My name is BRUNO and I’m moving abroad for a seasonal job at a hotel”
“How exciting!”
But no one wants bad surprises at work!
Join me on my journey, let’s make sure we know our rights and stay protected.
Test your knowledge on EU seasonal worker rights in the HORECA sector!
“Guess what? I just found out I’m part of something big—the mobile HORECA workforce, with rights I never knew I had!”

Employees in the HORECA sector across Europe, that is almost 4% of all EU workforce
Most HORECA employees are in this age group
HORECA is the third sector with the highest prevalence of undeclared work in the EU (Eurobarometer, 2019)
Are you a mobile seasonal worker?
Are you temporarily moving to another country to work in the hotel, restaurant or catering sector during the busiest season of the year? If so, then you are "a mobile seasonal worker”.
As a mobile seasonal worker in the HORECA sector, you are entitled to:
the employement period starts
Receive a legal contract with detailed information on the exact employment duration and working conditions.
Be informed about:
The duration of any paid annual leave.
The level of remuneration and overtime rates.
The laws applicable in the country of work and in the sector.
of the employement
Employment-related documents such as:
A working certificate.
Final payment including compensation for any unused leave days.
As a worker, you should inform yourself about post-employment rights or obligations such as unemployment benefits.
What about your accommodation?
If your employer is responsible for arranging your accommodation, they should also inform you about the related costs, who pays for what and how the costs are expected to be paid.
Mobile seasonal workers in HORECA
1. What is a "mobile seasonal worker"?
A. Someone temporarily moving to another country to work during the busiest season.
Understanding the benefits of working declared
1. What benefits are you entitled to as a declared worker, even as a seasonal worker?
A. Social security coverage based on local legislation.
B. Free travel and accommodation provided by the government.
What are collective agreements?
1. What can collective agreements influence for mobile seasonal workers?
For workers and employers
Are you looking for a seasonal work in the HORECA sector?
Go to the job section of the EURES portal
Are looking for seasonal workers in the HORECA sector?
Go to candidates section of the EURES portal!
Are you looking for job fairs in the field of HORECA?
Go to the European (online) Job Days platform
The #FairHORECAinEU Campaign by the European Labour Authority (ELA) provides crucial information for employers and employees in the HORECA sector (Hotel, Restaurant and Catering). It covers key EU social legislation, highlighting the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
The campaign also emphasizes the importance of declared work and provides insights on posting workers, ensuring everyone is aware of their legal rights and duties.