Documents (1902)
Good practice fiche - Denmark: Working group on fair competition in aviation (2020)
English (150.82 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Denmark: Boligjob Plan (private family residence/job initiative): using tax-rebates to promote the declaration of work (2019)
English (127.79 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Denmark: Multiagency initiative on tackling social dumping – the role of letterbox companies (2019)
English (156.24 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Estonia: Notification letters (2021)
English (164.94 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Estonia: ‘Thank you for paying taxes’ awareness raising campaign (2020)
English (156.32 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Estonia: Register of employment (2021)
English (258.33 KB - PDF)Operational conclusions - Outputs of the twelfth plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work (2022)
English (128.55 KB - PDF)Twelfth plenary meeting - 24 March 2022 - Thematic report (2022)
English (414.22 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Slovakia: Public register of employers infringing the ban on illicit employment (2022)
English (201.56 KB - PDF)Output paper: Subgroup on tackling undeclared work among displaced persons/refugees from Ukraine (2022)
English (500.76 KB - PDF)