Documents (1902)
Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Key results and achievements of the European Platform tackling undeclared work (2020)
English (3.24 MB - PDF)Effective Solutions for Policymakers (2017)
English (842.97 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Joint operation group between public agencies (2017)
English (257.05 KB - PDF)Good Practice fiche - France: Tackling fraud through improved institutional cooperation (2017)
English (335.25 KB - PDF)Toolkit on Risk Assessments for more efficient inspections (2019)
English (1023.79 KB - PDF)Elements of a preventative approach towards undeclared work: an evaluation of service vouchers and awareness raising campaigns (2018)
English (1.24 MB - PDF)Cross-border actions tackling undeclared work (2019)
English (1.59 MB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Drafting, implementing, reviewing and improving bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding to tackle undeclared work' (2017)
English (1.95 MB - PDF)Practitioners’ toolkit: cross-border concerted and joint inspections (2020)
English (2.92 MB - PDF)Conclusions of the 15th High Level Meeting between the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (2020)
English (395.78 KB - PDF)