Documents (1902)
Study report on different forms of cross-border UDW (2021)
English (1.24 MB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Belgium: Collaborative economy: a common control methodology for the social inspectorates (2022)
English (231.34 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Belgium: White cash register and other incentive measures in the HORECA sector (2022)
English (235.21 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Belgium: Quick Response Team to Undeclared Work (2022)
English (149.47 KB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Finland: Operational models to combat undeclared work through joint action and cooperation (2022)
English (197.78 KB - PDF)Toolkit on successful approaches of cooperation between labour inspectorates and social partners (2021)
English (1.63 MB - PDF)Good practice fiche - Germany: Work and Life - Counselling Service (2022)
English (198.88 KB - PDF)Study report on personal and household services sector (2022)
English (1.54 MB - PDF)Output paper: Subgroup on tackling undeclared work among third-country nationals: regularisation initiatives (2022)
English (236.44 KB - PDF)Operational conclusions - Summary of deliberations of the meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work, Bratislava/Zoom, 21-22 October 2021 (2021)
English (167.41 KB - PDF)