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Training and capacity building

Facts and figures

Good practices collected

We collect, exchange and disseminate good practices through an annual call on different topics that are relevant to labour mobility and social security coordination.

55+ study visits
Study visits

We facilitate study visits that aim to strengthen cross-border cooperation, mutual learning and information exchange about different national systems and legislation related to EU labour mobility.

Satisfaction rate

Participants of our capacity building programmes, events and training sessions express significant satisfaction with the content, facilitation and the organisation of our activities.

How to

Ask support for study visits

Member States and EEA countries can ask for ELA's support for the organisation of study visits in other Member States.

Submit your Good Practice

Member States, civil society and social partner organisations can submit their good practices and take part to the annual call. Each year, exemplary practices are selected and awarded at ELA conference.  

Learn and share!

Explore ELA's collection of good practices in the field of labour mobility and social security coordination. 

E-learning platform

The ELA e-learning platform provides online training courses in the areas of EU labour mobility and social security coordination, helping users to navigate and getting to know better the EU regulations in these areas. 

This platform is designed for public officials, employers, HR professionals, workers, social partners, job seekers and the general public to get to know more about the EU labour mobility rules and regulations on the coordination of social security systems. It also supports the understanding of EU legislation, including the rights and obligations connected with mobile workers. 

Main features: 

  • Self-paced learning with interactive content.
  • Multilingual courses available in various EU languages.
  • Certification upon course completion.
  • Free access for all users. 

Access the platform now!

Go to the e-learning platform

Collecting and sharing good practices

The Authority launches an annual call, to collect good practice examples on various areas related to EU labour mobility. Through this call, ELA promotes the exchange, dissemination and use of good practices and knowledge collected from Member States to increase the effectiveness of the application and enforcement of labour mobility law within the EU.  

The topics of the call for good practices may vary each year and reflect ELA’s sectoral or cross-sectoral priorities.

The call is open to Member State administrations, but also to other stakeholders operating at national, regional or local level, including civil society and social partner organisations

All selected good practices are made available by ELA via good practice database.

Call for good practices

Good practices repository

Cross-sectoral training programmes in areas related to EU labour mobility

ELA organises various sessions and workshops to support Member States' capacity and to improve knowledge of the application of EU labour mobility legislation. These trainings bring together participants from all EU Member States to deepen their understanding of labour mobility rules, fair enforcement of the single market, and to network with their European peers.

Go to trainings and learning programmes

Training materials

Study visits

The study visits exchange programme enables the strengthening of cross-border cooperation and information exchange.

The aim of the programme is to facilitate cooperation mechanisms, mutual learning and information exchange about different national systems and legislation related to EU labour mobility. Another aim is to contribute to building up mutual trust and networking opportunities. This is crucial for successful bilateral and multilateral day-to-day cooperation. 

More on this service

Database of experts

ELA launched an open call for the expression of interest for experts, where academics and practicioners, who are experts in the EU labour mobility law, can apply to provide their support and expertise to ELA's capacity building activities. 

ELA can choose experts from the database, who will contribute to the work of ELA, for instance as speakers, moderators, report writers, training providers or in other roles of ELA activities. 

Call for experts

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