Official information related to labour market, labour mobility, posting of workers and social security coordination in Czechia.
Overview of the labour market in Czechia.
Living and working conditions in Czechia.
Official national website on the posting of workers.
Benefits you are entitled to as a national of any EU country who moves to Czechia.
Open positions provided by the Public Employment Service in Czechia.
Find all the available services for employers.
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | Complaint submission tool
✉ postampsv [dot] cz (posta[at]mpsv[dot]cz )
📳 +420 221 921 111
📍 MPSV, Na Poříčnim právu 1, 128 01 Praha 2 Databox: sc9aavg
Laobour Inspection Office | Compliant submission tool
Tool for submission of complaints related to labour relations matters including occupational safety issues
✉ opavasuip [dot] cz (opava[at]suip[dot]cz)
📍 Státní úřad inspekce práce (State Labour Inspection Office), Kolářská 13, 74601 Opava, Czech Republic
Financial Administration of Czech Republic | Tax offices
Citizens can submit their complaints regarding all areas of tax avoidance or abuse of the tax system using individual addresses (e-mail and post) of all the offices of the tax administration.
State Labour Inspection Office
Information on undeclared work, employment regulations, labour and wage condition, links to points of contact across the Czech Republic