Official information related to labour market, labour mobility, posting of workers and social security coordination in Poland.
Overview of the labour market in Poland.
Living and working conditions in Poland.
Official national website on the posting of workers.
Benefits you are entitled to as a national of any EU country who moves to Poland.
Open positions provided by the Public Employment Service in Poland.
Find all the available services for employers.
State Labour Inspection | General Reporting/Complaint
Information on how to file a complaint is available on the State Labour Inspection’s website in Polish, English and Ukrainian versions
State Labour Inspectorate
The Legality of Employment Department at the Chief Labour Inspectorate in Warsaw: English-speaking contact person: Mr Robert Jaworski
✉ robert [dot] jaworskigip [dot] pip [dot] gov [dot] pl (robert[dot]jaworski[at]gip[dot]pip[dot]gov[dot]pl)
Helplines providing legal advice in matters related to the legality of employment and posting of workers:
📳+ 48 22 1113528 (in Polish)
📳 + 48 22 1113588, + 48 22 1113529, + 48 89 3331741 (in Ukrainian)