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Platform seminar: Tackling undeclared work in the HORECA sector

Location: Online


On 16 September 2021, the European Platform tackling undeclared work (hereafter the ‘Platform’) held a seminar on ‘Tackling undeclared work in the HORECA sector’.

This seminar looked at existing practices, tools and approaches that deal with undeclared work in HORECA (hotel, restaurant, catering) sector.

The event brought together 43 participants from 20 countries, representing labour and social security inspectorates, ministries of labour as well as European level and national social partners, and representatives from the European Agency for Occupational Safety and Health (EU OSHA), the European Commission and the European Labour Authority (ELA).

The seminar focused on developments and trends in undeclared work in the HORECA sector, and the policy options and practical tools for tackling undeclared work in the HORECA sector, including both deterrence and preventative approaches at national and cross-border level.


European Labour Authority

Registration information

This event was online and by invitation only.


EU-UDW-PLATFORMaticf [dot] com (EU-UDW-PLATFORM[at]icf[dot]com)

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