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ELA national event in Czechia on posting of workers

Thursday 29 June 2023, 10.00 (CEST) - Friday 30 June 2023, 16.00 (CEST)
Prague, Czechia
European Labour Authority


The ELA national event in Czechia focuses on facilitation of administrative procedures related to posting of workers to Czechia (especially the prior notification; but also, interconnectedness to other obligations, such as in social security area), with emphasis on user-friendly digitalization. Additional focus is put on sharing experience with the administrative procedures when posting from Czechia to other Member States. The first day (29 June) is dedicated to discussions with stakeholders and experts from other Member States and the second day (30 June) is a meeting and discussion only between Czech national authorities about the possible way forward.


Collect inputs from relevant stakeholders (practical experiences with posting to Czechia) - what are their needs and suggestions for adjustments of the current system;

Get inspiration from the practices in other Member States on the prior notification system, with the emphasis on digital solutions. For the latter aim, several experts from other countries present the prior notification system in their country, the digital solution they use and how the data collected through prior notification are further processed and used and how the system of prior notification of posting relates to other obligations in the area of social security.


ELA staff, officials from competent Czech authorities: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, State Labour Inspection Office, Labour Office, Czech Social Security Administration, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Transportation, experts/speaker from AT, SK, PL, DE, employers from CZ and other Member States, trade unions, Economic departments of embassies in Prague, and other experts in the field.

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