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Eleventh plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work

Thursday 21 October 2021, 00.00 (CEST) - Friday 22 October 2021, 23.59 (CEST)
Bratislava, Slovakia and Online
European Labour Authority


During the first hybrid meeting of the thematic day, Platform representatives discussed COVID-19’s impact on the work and priorities of enforcement authorities. The discussion focused on the organisation of physical and alternative types of inspections, new skills and competencies required by inspectorates, as well as changes due to teleworking and other changes in the world of work, and their implications for inspectorates.

The thematic day built on the lessons learnt from the Peer Learning Dialogue which was organised online by ELA from June to September 2021.

Related documents

Operational conclusions - Outputs of the tenth plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work (2021)

English (125.04 KB - PDF)

Report of the peer learning dialogue: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic for the organisation of inspections and inspectorates (2021)

English (689.19 KB - PDF)

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