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IMI-PROVE annual meeting – posting of workers modules

Monday 27 May 2024, 09.00 (CEST) - Tuesday 28 May 2024, 13.30 (CEST)
ELA, Landererova 12, Bratislava, Slovakia
European Labour Authority


The annual meeting on the posting of workers modules is organised under the IMI-PROVE program with cooperation with the European Commission, DG EMPL and DG GROW. This meeting will support discussions on public registers within IMI system, cross-border enforcement of fines and penalties, EESSI as a digital tool for exchange of social security information and how IMI could be used for notification about a serious or fatal accident at work. 


What is Internal Market Information (IMI) System? 

 The IMI System is an online tool for exchange of information between public authorities in EU Member States involved in the practical implementation of EU labour law, including the posting of workers and road transport. 


What is IMI-PROVE program?

It was established by ELA in close cooperation with the European Commission, dedicated to reinforcing cooperation and mutual assistance between Member States and to enhance the effective use of the Internal Market Information (IMI) System  modules for posting of workers and road transport.  


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