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IMI-PROVE Information Request Module - Dialogue on predefined questions

Tuesday 24 January 2023, 09.00-16.00 (CET)
European Labour Authority


ELA organizes a series of online meetings for IMI-users in the Member States to discuss the different sets of the pre-defined questions in the Information Request Module. During these meetings, the participants have the opportunity to exchange their experiences and ask any questions in relation to their understanding of the questions, translations, legal basis and duplications of questions. 

The objective of these sessions is to foster harmonised understanding of the pre-defined question sets in the Information Request Module. This will ultimately lead to a more effective and efficient exchange through IMI.

The aim is to strengthen administrative cooperation and mutual assistance between Member States, by fostering a stronger and more effective use of the IMI system modules for posting of workers and road transport.

Related news: European Labour Authority (ELA), together with the European Commission, launched the IMI-PROVE Programme | European Labour Authority (

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