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Information session on the European Register of Road Transport Undertakings

Friday 16 February 2024, 09.00-13.00 (CET)
European Labour Authority


The aim of the session is to promote a common understanding of the changes to European Register of Road Transport Undertakings between Member States, and to support Member States in their practical implementation of the new requirements. The session is organised in close collaboration with the relevant European Commission services. The target group for this information session consists of 120 ERRU-users and representatives of authorities responsible for the risk rating systems in road transport. 

The information session will focus on the recent legal and technical changes to ERRU, the practical and technical implications of ERRU and the relation between ERRU and the risk rating system, including exchange of Member States’ experiences. The session also aims to start a discussion on the way forward and ELA’s role in supporting an effective cross-border enforcement.

This event is part of the "Transport support" programme.

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