The overall objective of this meeting is to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Portuguese Working Conditions Authority and the Spanish State Labour and Social Security Inspection Agency, both at central and regional level and at both operational and institutional levels.
It was an opportunity to build on the agreement in 2021, when the Ministers of Labour of Spain and Portugal agreed to strengthen the bilateral relationship with regard to frontier workers, with the aim of promoting the economic development of border areas and preventing depopulation. To this end, the Labour Inspectorates of Spain and Portugal have decided to strengthen the regional bilateral relationship, both from an institutional and operational point of view. The event includes, a meeting of the respective management teams, which fulfils the existing commitment between both institutions. It also facilitates the set up institutional scheme for bilateral regional cooperation between the labour inspectorates in the border areas by bringing together Management teams of the Portuguese Authority for Working Conditions and the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate of the Spanish State.