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Platform seminar: Preventative approaches for tackling undeclared work, focusing upon tax rebates and notification letters

Thursday 16 May 2019, 00.00-23.59 (CEST)
Brussels, Belgium
European Labour Authority


The Platform seminar provided participants with an opportunity to exchange experiences in relation to setting-up and implementing preventative methods and tools to tackle undeclared work. Discussions focused on tax rebates as a demand-side incentive for tackling undeclared work and on the use of notification letters to transform undeclared work into declared work.

The seminar brought together Platform members or designated representatives from EU Member States representing labour inspectorates and tax authorities, and social partners. The intention was to provide participants with an opportunity to engage in mutual learning and exchange knowledge on a preventative approach towards tackling undeclared work. Participants reflected on the advantages and disadvantages of using preventative measures, especially tax rebates and notification letters.

Related documents

A learning resource from the seminar of the European Platform tackling undeclared work: Preventative approaches to tackle undeclared work, with a focus upon tax rebates and notification letters (2019)

English (737.86 KB - PDF)

Executive summary - Platform seminar: Preventative approaches to tackle undeclared work, with a focus on tax rebates and notification letters (2019)

English (58.57 KB - PDF)

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