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Platform webinar: Successful cooperation approaches between labour inspectorates and social partners

Wednesday 2 February 2022, 00.00-23.59 (CET)
Bratislava, Slovakia
European Labour Authority


On 2 February 2022, the Working Group ‘European Platform tackling undeclared work’ held a webinar on successful cooperation approaches between labour inspectorates and social partners. Webinar participants listened to good practice examples on establishing, building, and managing successful cooperation between labour inspectorates and social partners.

The event brought together 156 participants from 27 countries, representing labour inspectorates and other enforcement authorities, as well as European level and national social partners, and representatives from Eurofound and the European Labour Authority (ELA).

The webinar focused on the wider dissemination of the key aspects mentioned in the toolkit from the thematic review workshop on ‘Successful approaches of cooperation between labour inspectorates and social partners’ and showcased examples of implementation.

Related documents

Report - Platform webinar: Cooperation approaches between labour inspectorates and social partner (2022)

English (285.56 KB - PDF)

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