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Progress thematic training on sickness and AWOD reimbursement processes in EESSI

Wednesday 5 June 2024, 02.00 (CEST)
European Labour Authority


The thematic training on sickness and AWOD Reimbursement process in the electronic exchange of social security information (EESSI) is a part of the first initiative under the ELA’s newly launched Progress programme dedicated to supporting the implementation and operation of EESSI system in the participating countries. The Progress data model training courses invite officials from the national administrations: national trainers, key users and key business people in charge of implementation of the data model release in the Member States. 

The aim is to prepare the Member States for the business changes introduced to EESSI system by the new version of its data model in every sector of social security: legislation applicable, sickness, accidents at work and occupational diseases (AWOD), pensions, family benefits, unemployment benefits and recovery.


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