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PROGRESS Training on the new version of EESSI data model in Legislation Applicable

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 02.00 (CEST)
European Labour Authority


First of a total of 6 training sessions for every sector of social security (Legislation Applicable, Family Benefits, Unemployment Benefits, Sickness & Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases, Pensions, and Recovery), focused on Business changes introduced to EESSI by the new version of Common Data Model which becomes operational in October 2024. The participants of the training are national trainers, key users and key business people (particularly those in charge of training end users, business implementation of CDM4.3 into national applications, guidance of end users).

The trainings are one of four workstreams, that together make up the new Mutual Learning and Understanding Programme called PROGRESS, dedicated to the EESSI system.

Objectives of the trainings are to:

  • Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of digitalization in the field of social security coordination;
  • Support the implementation and operation of the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) system in participating countries;
  • Presentation and explanation of business changes introduced to the EESSI data model with its new version operational as from October and updating the training materials.

Outcomes of the training are enhanced understanding and preparedness of MSs for the new EESSI Data Model release (CDM4.3), training and background support materials storage on EU Academy under EESSI section.

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