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Subgroup meeting: Tackling undeclared work among displaced persons/refugees from Ukraine

Thursday 19 May 2022, 00.00-23.59 (CEST)
Warsaw, Poland and Online


During its March 2022 plenary meeting, the European Platform tackling undeclared work initiated a subgroup on tackling undeclared work among displaced persons/refugees from Ukraine. The main objective of the subgroup is to protect the displaced persons and refugees from Ukraine from being subjected to undeclared work or exploitation.

It discusses and investigates how the enforcement authorities and other relevant organisations can address the vulnerabilities and risks linked to undeclared work and labour exploitation faced by displaced persons/refugees on the European labour market.

The first meeting of the subgroup was dedicated to a discussion on the ongoing refugee crisis, through learning about the profile of Ukrainian refugees, their flows, and the challenges that the EU labour market faces. At the meeting, subgroup members engaged in a mutual exchange of information and discussed policy solutions aimed at tackling undeclared work at national and EU level.

The subgroup will meet for the second time on 12 September 2022.