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Thematic review workshop on challenges and approaches for tackling undeclared work on digital labour platforms

Tuesday 8 October 2024, 09.00 (CEST) - Wednesday 9 October 2024, 17.00 (CEST)
Dubrovnik, Croatia
European Labour Authority


The thematic review workshop aims to enable Platform members and observers to share insights and experiences regarding undeclared work on digital labour platforms. The focus is on sharing good practices that can be used to tackle and trace undeclared work on digital labour platforms.

Platform members will have the possibility to:

  • Share experiences on the types of undeclared work conducted on digital labour platforms and the challenges in detecting undeclared work;  
  • Share practices and challenges on using data to detect/trace/measure whether undeclared work is being conducted on digital platforms
  • Identify and share policy measures for tackling undeclared work on digital platforms; 
  • Discuss the proposal for Directive on improving working conditions in platform work, and its impact on the EU Member states, national enforcement authorities and ELA

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