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Thematic review workshop: Cross-border concerted and joint inspections

Thursday 28 February 2019, 00.00 (CET) - Friday 1 March 2019, 23.59 (CET)
Lisbon, Portugal
European Labour Authority



The aim of the workshop was to share knowledge and experiences amongst members of the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work in relation to one specific component of cross-border activities: concerted and joint inspections. Concerted (or parallel) inspections are undertaken by two or more authorities simultaneously in their own territory, and joint inspections are undertaken in one territory with participation of one or more other countries.

The workshop was the first stage in a larger mutual learning process among Platform members and observers about cross-border inspections and will lead to further opportunities for exchange and collaboration, notably through the development of a toolkit and follow-up visit. The workshop brought together participants from 22 countries, including representatives of national ministries, labour inspectorates, regional administrative agencies and tax authorities. The event was hosted by the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT - Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho.

Related documents

A learning resource from the thematic review workshop of the European Platform tackling undeclared work: Cross-border concerted and joint inspections in the fight against undeclared work (2019)

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A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Cross-border concerted and joint inspections' (2019)

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Executive summary – Thematic review workshop: Cross-border concerted and joint inspections (2019)

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Summary report from the follow-up visit on 'Cross-border concerted and joint inspections' (2019)

English (131.54 KB - PDF)

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