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Thematic review workshop: Undeclared work in the collaborative economy

Wednesday 19 May 2021, 00.00 (CEST) - Thursday 20 May 2021, 23.59 (CEST)
European Labour Authority


On 19-20 May 2021, the European Platform tackling undeclared work organised an online thematic review workshop on the issue of undeclared work in the collaborative economy. The workshop explored the current nature of undeclared work in the collaborative economy, typically undertaken by platform workers (online and on-location), and the tools and approaches that can be used to tackle this problem in the EU Member States.

The event was hosted online and brought together 37 participants from 17 countries, representing labour and social security inspectorates, ministries of labour as well as European level social partners, and representatives from Eurofound, the ILO, the European Commission and the European Labour Authority.

Participants reflected on (1) the state of play and the main challenges in defining undeclared work in the collaborative economy (across the EU and in participating Member States) and (2) identified tools and approaches to tackle undeclared work in the collaborative economy at national level.

Related documents

Executive summary - Thematic review workshop: Undeclared work in the collaborative economy (2021)

English (92.49 KB - PDF)