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Visit of 3F – United Federation of Workers in Denmark

Tuesday 3 October 2023, 00.00-23.59 (CEST)
Landererova 12, Bratislava, Slovakia
European Labour Authority


The trade union 3F - United Federation of Workers in Denmark (3F) visits ELA to discuss and exchange views on the EURES recruitment functionalities, labour cards to protect workers´ rights, posted third country nationals and ELA´s support to concerted and joint inspections. 

The meeting can be perceived as a follow up on the ELA/NLO event that took place in April 2023 “ELA´s support to free and fair EU labour mobility in Denmark: priorities and tools”. The meeting was an opportunity to further promote ELA and strengthen the cooperation with 3F. Visit of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (TUs) was merged with the visit of the United Federation of Workers in Denmark (3F) since both delegations requested to cover similar topics. 

ELA Agenda - Visit from 3F - United Federation of Workers in Denmark and Representative of the Norwegian Trade Unions - 3 October 2023

English (123.23 KB - PDF)

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