The main goal of this event is to present the latest updates and innovations in labour market intelligence tools, highlighting the collaboration between EURES, Cedefop, and Eurostat.
Participants will have a chance to follow:
- Introduction to the newly updated Labour Market Information (LMI) pages on the EURES portal, offering a structured, data-driven approach to presenting cross-country and regional labour market trends
- A live demonstration showcasing how users can access the updated LMI pages and interpret key data
- Presentation of the first results of the Cedefop-Eurostat cooperation, focusing on the analysis of online job advertisements, providing valuable insights for skills intelligence development
- An exploration of the STAS tool, its role in short-term employment projections, and how it helps anticipate the changing needs of the labour market in various EU Member States
- Key insights into shifting labour market demands across occupations and regions, fostering a deeper understanding of employment trends and skill requirements.
The event will be taking place on the following link: EURES Webinar | Where Are the Jobs? Exploring New Tools for Labour Market Intelligence