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Workshop: enforcement of social legislation in the air transport sector: exploring cross-border cooperation challenges and opportunities in the EU

"Transport support"

Thursday 16 November 2023, 09.00-13.30 (CET)
Landererova 12, Bratislava, Slovakia
European Labour Authority


In the context of the programme ‘Transport Support’, ELA organises a workshop aimed at promoting mutual learning and understanding between the competent authorities from the Member States and the EEA countries involved in the enforcement of social legislation in the air transport sector. Aircrew and pilots belong to a category of highly mobile workers and with this workshop ELA aims to understand how relevant national authorities operate and cooperate within the sector and identify possible ELA cross-border cooperation initiatives.


• Get a better understanding of the competences and responsibilities of the national enforcement authorities in the air transport sector;

• Discuss existing cross-border cooperation practices;

• Identify possible ELA support to improve cross-border cooperation.

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