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Workshop on instruments of transnational cooperation

Tuesday 24 October 2023, 00.00 (CEST) - Wednesday 25 October 2023, 23.59 (CEST)
Lyon, France
European Labour Authority


ELA, together with the Institut National du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle - INTEFP, organised a Workshop on the instruments of transnational cooperation, taking place in Lyon, France from the 24th to the 25th October 2023.  

The main objective of this Workshop is to highlight opportunities presented by transnational cooperation work and for labour inspectors to develop general skills, enhance knowledge and gain information about what to expect and how to handle certain situations that occur during CJIs.

Labour inspectors, working in the field of labour mobility from across EU, met in Lyon to take part in the Workshop on the instruments of transnational cooperation.  

This Workshop aimed to highlight opportunities presented by transnational cooperation work and for labour inspectors to develop general skills, enhance knowledge and gain information about what to expect and how to handle certain situations that occur during CJIs. Workshop was prompted by practical examples on different topics, including the most common challenges and a reference to case law, good practices and guided by high-level experts in the field of EU Labour Mobility.  

On the second day of the Workshop ELA has, for the very first-time used simulations of inspections as a learning method. Simulations of inspections were on the topic of construction and road transport. The simulations opened an opportunity for inspectors to experience the concerted and joint inspections in real life and on real cases - from identification to enforcement! 

Workshop provided the inspectors a unique chance to meet their European peers and enhance future bilateral and multilateral cooperation initiatives.  

This training presents one of ELA’s various activities to support the Member States in building capacity at national level designed to contribute to fair labour mobility and to promote the consistent enforcement of Union law in the area that is operated by the Authority. 

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