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Another training session on road transport soon available on ELA YouTube channel

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The European Labour Authority (ELA) and the European Commission organised an online training session dedicated to the road transport sector on Monday 14 November 2022 to support socially responsible, fairer, and more efficient road transport practices in the EU. The training focused on promoting the new rules and obligations introduced by the Mobility Package I in relation to return of the vehicle, regular weekly rest outside of the cabin and classification of infringements.


There is a general recognition that Member States need support in a coherent application of the EU sector-specific legislation on road transport. This training session sought to address information gaps on Mobility Package I and encourage trust and cooperation between Member States' enforcement authorities, sectoral associations and social partner organisations. There is undoubtedly a growing interest in this topic, as demonstrated by record participation levels with over 550 attendees.

This training session and the Road to Fair Transport campaign are among the many activities that ELA and the European Commission are organising together under the ELA Framework for Action for Road Transport to coordinate information and share knowledge about Mobility Package I.

This webinar addressed 3 key topics within the framework of Mobility Package I.

Firstly, the training session outlined the rules for the return of the vehicle, namely:

  • details of the rule requiring vehicles to return to the Member State of establishment every eight weeks (and how this is calculated), including possible exemptions;
  • application of the return of vehicles and specification of the time they must remain stationary;
  • enforcement and control of compliance with these obligations.

Secondly, the training focused on the obligation to spend regular weekly rests outside of the cabin. In this case, Mobility Package I did not introduce any significant changes to Regulation No 561/2006 but streamlined its contents. The key issues covered on the day were:

  • the specification of the weekly rest period, which must take place outside the cabin of the vehicle and relevant considerations for the control and enforcement of this obligation;
  • challenges and difficulties in the enforcement of regular weekly rest obligations presented by CORTE.

Finally, the training session covered the classification of infringements and the use of the European Register of Road Transport Undertakings (ERRU). The implementation of Mobility Package I brings updates to the list of serious infringements and adds new typologies. In addition, ERRU will help monitor compliance with road transport rules in all Member States more effectively through the exchange of information.

For more information on the #Road2FairTransport campaign and Mobility Package I, please visit the ELA website. All training materials on Road Transport are available on ELA’s YouTube page where also the videos from this training session will be published. Useful material can be also found on DG MOVE website, including Questions & Answers on Driving & Rest times, Return of the Vehicle and on Your Europe Portal (EU Rules for working in road transport).

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