To raise the awareness of cross border seasonal workers about their rights, the Employment Agency and the EURES Network in Bulgaria, together with their main campaign partner – The General Labour Inspectorate, is organising information sessions within the EU Week for Seasonal Workers (20/09/2021 – 24/09/2021) in the cities of:
- 20/09 Pernik
- 21/09 Vidin
- 23/09 Svishtov
- 24/09 Gotse Delchev
Experts from other State organisms that partner with the Employment Agency in this campaign are also expected to attend the sessions. This will increase the information scope with topics that interest seasonal workers, such as social security rights, taxation, etc. and anyone with questions will be able to meet a qualified expert.
Within the European Week for Seasonal Workers all interested in seasonal employment will be able to get acquainted with relevant information, through onsite and online meetings and through a video on the rights of seasonal workers, which will be available in the Employment Agency’s YouTube channel, in the coming days.
In addition, all labour offices in Bulgaria will be open for questions and consultations related to seasonal work. Employment local advisers will also be able to give information and distribute additional materials on the topic.
To learn more about living and working conditions in the EU, visit
Details of the European Labour Authority’s pan-european campaign can be found here: