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executive directors of ELA and CEDEFOP shaking hands

Cedefop – ELA to strengthen their cooperation on vocational education and training, skills and labour mobility in the EU

Published date

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Labour Authority (ELA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to intensify their cooperation.

Press release

The aim of the MoU is to maximise synergies which can benefit both Agencies and their stakeholders. It will also help the agencies to avoid any potential duplication of activities in the fields of similar interest, and enable the agencies to learn from each other and transfer good practices.

Cedefop and ELA recognise that they have distinct but related mandates, tasks and objectives, in the fields of vocational education and training (VET), skills, qualifications, EU labour mobility and social security coordination respectively. Therefore,  their structured cooperation would allow them to deliver greater added value to the EU, its Members States, social partners and the world of education and work.

Following the signing ceremony, which took place at Cedefop's seat in Thessaloniki, Greece, commenting on the MoU between the two Agencies, Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel noted that

'this memorandum is important because it establishes specific processes and structures that will allow both of us to get the most out of our partnership and to deliver more to our stakeholders than the sum of our individual contributions, long term.'

ELA Executive Director Cosmin Boiangiu highlighted that

he is very happy to sign this memorandum of understanding with Cedefop. It is one of the oldest EU Agencies and closely related to the work field of ELA. This MoU is a first step to closer cooperation between the Agencies and complementing each other’s work. I look forward to engage closely with each other and start transposing this MoU into practical cooperation activities.’

Background information

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Labour Authority (ELA) are two of the European Union's decentralised Agencies.

Cedefop is the European Union’s reference centre for vocational education and training, skills and qualifications.

ELA was established to help strengthen the fairness and trust in the internal market by assisting Member States and the European Commission to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are fairly and effectively enforced and by making it easier for citizens and businesses to fully benefit of the internal market.

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