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ELA has completed a mapping exercise in the field of access to employment and social security for displaced persons coming from Ukraine

Published date

As a part of ELA’s activities focused on the displaced persons coming from Ukraine, the European Labour Authority (ELA) has completed a mapping exercise on the measures taken by the EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) Member States in the area of employment and social security for displaced persons from Ukraine.


The mapping exercise provides an overview of the legal frameworks and other public support instruments adopted at national level related to the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in the field of employment and social security and other national measures having an impact on the employment and/or social security of the displaced persons coming from Ukraine.

Please find below the individual country fiches for EU and EFTA Member States:

AT| Austria  FI| Finland MT| Malta
BE| Belgium FR| France NL| the Netherlands
BG| Bulgaria HR| Croatia NO| Norway
CH| Switzerland  HU| Hungary PL| Poland
CY| Cyprus  IE| Ireland PT| Portugal
CZ| Czechia  IS| Iceland RO| Romania
DE| Germany  IT| Italy SE| Sweden
DK| Denmark LI| Liechtenstein SI| Slovenia
EE| Estonia LT| Lithuania SK| Slovakia
EL| Greece LU| Luxemburg  
ES| Spain LV| Latvia  


More on ELA activities related to displaced persons coming from Ukraine

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