ELA launches the first Training Programme on EU Labour Mobility
ELA launches the first Training Programme on EU Labour Mobility
Professionals from all 27 Member States in Brussels for the first Training Programme on EU Labour Mobility.
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From 4th to 6th July professionals from all 27 Members Sates are gathering in Brussels to take part to the first Training Programme on EU Labour mobility organised by ELA. This is a first time-event in which professionals from the field of EU labour mobility have the chance to network and interact with their European peers, to enhance future bilateral and multilateral cooperation initiatives.
The training provides an opportunity for participants working in the field of labour mobility, to develop knowledge and understanding of key issues related to the European Union Labour Mobility, with practical examples on different topics, including the most common challenges and a reference to case law and good practices. Group analysis and case selvage will be prompted by real cases and practices and guided by high-level experts in the field of EU Labour Mobility.
The training includes study visits to the Federal Public Service of Employment, Labour, and Social Dialogue, the National Social Security Office, and the National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed in the host country, in which participants got an insight into the coordination and implementation of EU labour mobility rules.
As part of ELA’s mandate in supporting Member States in the enforcement of labour mobility law by building capacity at the national level, ELA plans to repeat this Training Programme annually with the future editions being updated with the legislative changes and challenges in the field of EU Labour Mobility.