ELA Week of Action in the Road Transport Sector
ELA Week of Action in the Road Transport Sector
Facts and figures of the first week of action of 2023 organised in cooperation with ROADPOL: focus on commercial buses and heavy goods vehicles.
This first week of action of 2023 took place from 14th to 19th of February, and it was once again organised in cooperation with ROADPOL within the framework of the “Truck and Bus” operations which focus on commercial buses and heavy goods vehicles.
The inspections took place in the Netherlands, Romania, Malta, Denmark, Belgium, Croatia and Austria with 283 control officers participating from host and observing countries. In total 436 vehicles were inspected. Personnel from Labour Inspectorates, Police, Social Security and Road Transport specific authorities were present and actively participating in the roadside checks.
The roadside checks aimed at ensuring the application of the rules in the sector specific area of road transport. An emphasis was put on verifying compliance with the tachograph, and driving and resting time rules, control of transportation documentation, and ensuring the technical conditions of the vehicles were in compliance with legal requirements.
Additionally, control authorities used this opportunity to raise awareness about the key rights and obligations of drivers and operators by disseminating informational leaflets produced by ELA within the coordinated information and awareness raising campaign on road transport #RoadToFairTransport.
The Week of Action in numbers:
Most of the infringements related driving and resting times, use of tachograph, vehicle technical conditions, drivers working conditions including wages payment, undeclared work and drivers’ license issues.
The international road transport sector remains an important area for the operations of ELA in 2023. Building on the work developed in the previous year, ELA continues focusing on activities to facilitate the enforcement of EU legislation and to address the social aspects of specific legislation in this highly mobile environment, which includes coordinating and supporting cross-border inspections.
ELA envisages several targeted enforcement campaigns for 2023, maintaining its efforts in the road transport sector. These activities are conducted in close cooperation with other EU agencies and enforcement organisations and highlight ELA’s efforts towards ensuring fair labour mobility and respect of workers’ rights.
ELA’s coordination and support to national authorities constitutes a continuous effort to increase cross-border cooperation between national authorities to help them to enforce labour mobility legislation more effectively and promote the sharing of expertise and best practices amongst Member States.