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#EU4FairWork: ELA is part of the first EU campaign to tackle undeclared work

EU4FairWork: Commission launches campaign to tackle undeclared work

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The Commission launched the first European campaign for declared work. It will work hand in hand with the European Platform tackling undeclared work and the European Labour Authority.


The initiative intends to raise awareness amongst workers, companies and policymakers that undeclared work does not pay off:

  • it deprives workers of social protection
  • it distorts competition between businesses and
  • it leads to huge gaps in public finances

new special Eurobarometer illustrates the scale of the problem: one in ten Europeans report they have purchased goods or services in the past year that might have derived from undeclared work. A third of Europeans know somebody who works undeclared.

The campaign to transform undeclared into declared work is kicking off on social media (#EU4FairWork). A week for action for declared work will start in EU Member States with a range of activities.

The Commission will also adopt a report on the activities of the European Platform tackling undeclared work, composed of the relevant authorities of all Member States and representatives of cross-industry social partners on EU level.

The network aims to help EU countries learn from each other and engage in closer cross-border cooperation. Launched in 2016, it's now on its way to becoming part of the European Labour Authority (ELA), allowing to do even more.


National authorities are primarily responsible to tackle undeclared work. At the same time, this is also an important policy objective of the European Employment Strategy, contributing to a fairer European labour market and to the delivery of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

In the near future, the European Labour Authority will start coordinating the cooperation efforts at EU level.

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