The webinar will provide practical information to Slovak employers looking for seasonal workers from abroad, and to Slovak citizens looking for a seasonal job in the EU. The event will cover a range of topics, including labour law, social security, health insurance, and undeclared work.
The webinar will be held in Slovak, and taking place during the EU Week for Seasonal Workers, on 22 September, from 9:00 to 14:30. It will be attended by representatives from the following institutions and organisations:
- the Slovak Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family;
- the European Labour Authority;
- EURES Slovakia;
- the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family;
- the Social Insurance Agency in Slovakia;
- health insurance companies;
- the Units of Foreign Police;
- the National Labour Inspectorate.
In addition, during the EU Week for Seasonal Workers, EURES Slovakia will publish two new videos about mobile seasonal workers who were employed by a Slovak employer. The team will also publish an article that tells the real-life story of a Slovak citizen who found a seasonal job in the Netherlands thanks to EURES.
Download the webinar program
Download a guide on good practices
Make sure you follow EURES Slovakia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube for more updates.
To learn more about the “Right for all seasons” campaign, read this article.