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European Labour Authority premises inaugurated

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The European Labour Authority (ELA) premises in Bratislava were inaugurated today in the presence of the Prime Minster of Slovakia Mr Eduard Heger and the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. On 16 September ELA moved to its headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia and the first European Union Agency established permanent seat in the Slovak Republic.


The EU Labour Authority was established to contribute to fair labour mobility within the EU by supporting Member States and the social partners in enforcing EU legislation, promoting information, and improving cooperation in the field of mobility and social security coordination.

“I think this authority will become the tool of one of the fundamental principles of the European integration: this is the freedom of movement, the free mobility, which has made much of the success for Europe”,  Commissioner Nicolas Schmit said.

“We are part of the European Union, and the European union is a space in which we all live, so please feel here, as if you were at home”, said Eduard Heger, Prime Minister of Slovak Republic.

“At ELA we are all Europeans, but starting from today, we are also a bit Slovak”, said Cosmin Boiangiu, Executive Director of ELA.

The inaugural ceremony is followed by a tour in ELA premises: and the ELA Opening Conference at Sheraton Hotel in Bratislava: ELA Conference 2021 - Welcome (

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