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In Finland Work may be seasonal, but workers' rights are not

In Finland Work may be seasonal, but workers' rights are not

Published date

The Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland has joined the European Labour Authority's (ELA) #Rights4AllSeasons campaign to remind seasonal workers of their rights, support employers in meeting their obligations and work to secure fair working conditions across the EU.  


Several recent laws and other measures prepared by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy aim to prevent the exploitation of seasonal workers and others who come to work in Finland from abroad.  

The Working in Finland brochure, published in seven languages, and the multilingual helpline, which operates during the summer season, provide information on workers' rights and offer advice and guidance if workers suspect abuse.  

The #Rights4AllSeasons campaign has been launched across the EU on 15 June and will run until the end of October. The campaign's website provides guidance and advice for seasonal workers and employers offering seasonal work in Europe.  

In Finland, the ELA campaign involves the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, AVI, the Immigration Service, Kela, the TE Administration, MTK, the Federation of Rural Employers and the Federation of Fruit and Berry Growers. 

For more information download: Guide Finland - "Terms of employment for seasonal workers in agriculture for 2021"

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