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ELA Booklet - Lessons Learnt

Lessons learnt from peer reviews of single national websites on the posting of workers: booklet available now!

Published date

The document provides insights and practical tools useful not only to national competent authorities in the field of posting of workers, but also to a wide range of institutions.


One of the main continuous activities that ELA has been performing since 2021 are peer reviews of single official national websites on the posting of workers. Conclusions and recommendations stemming from this activity have been synthesised in the practical booklet Lessons learnt for single national websites on the posting of workers.

The document provides insights and practical tools useful not only to national competent authorities in the field of posting of workers, but also to a wide range of institutions facing the challenge of presenting complex legal information in a clear, understandable, and informative way.

EU legislation on posting of workers requires the EU Member States to provide up-to-date and accurate sets of information related to posting of workers on a single national website. Peer reviews of the national websites is the activity in line with ELA’s mission to facilitate access to information on rights and obligations regarding cross-border labour mobility within the Union. ELA, the Member States, representatives of European Commission, European Parliament and EU-level social partners have been engaged in this activity.

The experience has shown that the most common challenges related to provision of rather complex and legal information can be efficiently tackled by applying a set of practical solutions, regardless of national context.


ELA Booklet - Lessons learnt for single national websites on the posting of workers

English (8.76 MB - PDF)

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