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EMPACT week of action June 2023

Restaurant chain forced to close premises after cross-border inspections across Europe

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National authorities inspected a restaurant chain at locations in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in June to tackle serious labour and social offenses. Some restaurants had to be closed immediately and several fines were imposed on the spot.

Press release

Labour and social security authorities, customs, police, food safety as well as occupational safety and health agencies, working in a multi-agency approach, conducted simultaneous inspections in 15 restaurants of this chain across Europe.

Some restaurants had to be closed immediately and several fines were imposed on the spot for serious breaches of legislation. In particular, the Netherlands Labour Authority inspected three restaurants, which led to the identification of at least five undeclared employees without valid employment permits. These workers faced poor working and living conditions, were underpaid and had to work a lot longer than permitted.

The Netherlands Labour Authority had initiated the case and led the EMPACT Joint Action Days in June during which the concerted and joint inspections took place. They were jointly coordinated and supported by the European Labour Authority (ELA) and Europol.

Further information about the EMPACT Joint Action Days and these cross-border inspections is provided in the press releases of the Netherlands Labour Authority and Europol.

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